last night i realized i was missing a mantra. i put out a call to my facebook peeps for some ideas and connected with two mantras that i used today. "I've got moxy!" and "Think strong. Be strong. Finish strong." both were key to helping me clock a superfast final 5k in the race and so i'll shout out a thanks to Mike C for the first one and Mike S for a link that scored me the second one. the mikes are looking out for me.
pitfalls to avoid for a half marathon:
- do not write your mantra and race plan with sharpie on your arm and hand the night before the race. i wrote my mantra in red and a few other key pieces of information in black. blue sharpie had my three goals on my hand -- all three goals achieved today!! when i woke up i had my mantra on my forehead from sleeping with my arm resting on my head. my hair had streaks of red on the top. i had blue all over the edges of my cell phone cover. i had to spend 6 precious minutes rubbing it all off with soap and water and rewriting it, that could have been spent on the pot pushing out the you know what. just wait til race morning to get the sharpies out.
- do not set your alarm for 630am and expect to leave the hotel room by 7am, having gotten dressed, ate breakfast, and moved your bowels. now i know... coffee takes a little over one hour to work it's magic. the threat of having to poop while running was at the forefront. at 7am, i felt something. so i sent alan down to the hotel lobby for more coffee. i decided to stay at the hotel an extra 20 minutes and forgo the explicit directions from the pacer that i was to meet at 740am at the start line.
- do not think that a 10-minute drive will only take 10 minutes. we left the hotel at 723am (with a 10 minute drive to the race start) my butt still full of shit. crap. a 10 minute drive turned into much longer as we went the wrong direction two times and hit a detour. as we finally pulled up to the race start i saw people in hats and gloves and long pants and long sleeves and jackets and i'm like what the fuck the weather forecast yesterday said nothing about blasting wind! it was 50-60 degrees on ill-prepared clothing wise i grabbed the long sleeve tech shirt which was the only thing i had to put on. i jumped out of the truck at 752am and ran to the porta potty to go pee. stood in line for 5 minutes jumping up and down as an attempt to stay warm. once in the porta potty to pee, i slipped my tech shirt on under my tshirt and just accepted that my legs were going to be frozen for awhile. the wind would have to slow down at some point i rationalized. but my mood quickly turned to elated when swoosh all my poo fell down the hole-- glory be!!!!
- do not worry about pissing your pants during race. i wasted valuable mental energy wondering if the people i was passing were looking at my butt noticing that my shorts were soaked and at my back legs noticing that gravity was bringing pee streams to my socks. i drank a dixie cup filled half with water at every 2 mile aid station. that is not really that much water. at mile 10, i really got some wheels and ran much faster than the first 10 miles. i had to pee immediately as i pulled away from my wonderful pacing group. in my last race, a 10k, i had to pee super bad the last 3 miles and held it as best i could and then expected to rush to the toilet after. but once that 10k race was over the urge to pee was gone and i didn't have to pee for hours. interesting. so i expected the same would be the case this time around. so i put peeing out of my mind as a phantom pee urge that wasn't going to trick me this time.
- do not expect one race to be the same as another race. by mile 11.5 i was sure this was no phantom and i was wishing i had been doing kegel exercises all these years like my mom told me to do. i hadn't seen a porta potty for a long time and thought about running down the hill and just squatting but there were so many people around. so, i let loose a tiny and let a little pee out. after about a half a mile i knew kegels were a load of b.s. because over that half mile, i mastered the art of letting a little pee out at a time so as not to have a gushing of pee which would be noticeable to the naked eyes of fellow runners that i was passing. (oh yes, i felt glorious to pass people!!) i could feel the small stream connecting to my socks, but as long as the sun didn't hit my legs just at the right time someone happened to be looking, i felt my secret was safe. everyone looked exhausted that i was passing so i was moderately confident no one cared a lick that i was peeing my pants anyway. my shorts were black and i didn't think would show the soaked state they had become. at mile 12 and some change i spied a porta potty with green vacant indication. oh my god, i was debating about taking 30 seconds to stop and let all this pee out in a normal fashion. i wanted a faster time, but i was sick of this cat and mouse game i was playing down there. ducked into the porta potty and could not believe how much i urinated. where was it all coming from? flew out the door and was back on the road in no time.
following is a copy and paste of some of my answers to my running mentor tonight on facebook chat. i am so dog-tired that i cannot recount the race here and i pretty much did in the chat with my mentor. so read on if you like.
my original plan -pre tibia muscle dealio - was stay with the 10:41 pace group, i even considered the 10:15 group. i def trained for the 10:41 group and could have knocked out a 2:20 for sure, and i'm sure a 2:15 at my best. but i didn't want my leg to be an issue today because i wanted the race to make me excited about grandmas, not scared of it. i TOTALLY pictured myself running the marathon today during the half! i'm super excited about it! sooooo i picked that slow pace to cushion my leg. and it worked. my legs were no problem at all. the first 10 miles felt like an easy training run. i took my headphones off and chatted for about 4miles of it. i DID want to start running faster many times but forced myself to stick with the plan. i kept telling myself, wait til mile 10, wait til mile 10. at mile ten i decided i would kick it down and run my last 5k as fast as i could, if my leg felt fine up til that point. and it did! so i did! i felt so strong pulling away from the pacer!! that was my fave moment of the race
my fastest 5k race is 27:00 and i am certain my time was under 30 today and pretty sure it was very close to a 28. i didn't think to set up my ipod to do lap times or whatever to know for sure. but i know what time i left that pacer. and that points to about a 28:10 but it's not exact so i'm just saying sub 30. but that's freaking fast for me after already running 10 miles!!
i did not have a single negative thought in my mind during the run. in my 10k women rock race i was bombarded with negative self talk and that race was REALLY hard. i pushed myself every second and could not have gone faster... THAT WAS A RACE. i mean i felt like i was racing. today i didn't feel like i was racing. felt like i was training. i didn't cry at the end like i thought i would since i'm so emotional and was crying at the speakers yesterday for gods sake. but i think it's because in my mind i didn't 'race' today.
but i liked how i was so good to myself with positive feelings!!! so while YES i know i i could have run it much faster than a 2:24:21 i now know i can control myself during a race. i had a very fun time. i felt powerful. i was strong. now i have a personal best half, that i can crush next half. i will race the next one and i will love to hate that race.