"some guys hate it when women fart, but personally, i like a little skunk in the trunk." this was a tweet by rob delaney on twitter today. if i weren't married to al, i'd be driving to twitter right now to find rob delaney and make him fall in love with me. i would let farts all day and he would smell my farts all day and tell me how much he loved the skunk in my trunk. i would swoon every time he said it. he would feed me baked beans by the bowl full every night. and then just wait around talking to me until they kicked in.
unfortunately he would have to leave his wife and kids, and since i am not in the business of home wrecking, i'll stick happily with my al. but COME ON, i think rob delaney and i are meant to be together. or at least i'm meant to read his tweets.
rambling number two:
jinxing is still the best thing ever. i find true elation in the moment of a spontaneous jinx. being that in-tune in thought with another person is just plain rad.
rambling number three:
camping club. getting an invitation to camping club today was my favorite moment of the day. thinking ahead a few years to an empty nest and that al and i will once again go camping together, just the two of us, were the thoughts that consumed me while i skipped rope at bootcamp tonight.
rambling number four:
i just threw away a candy cane shaped, half m & m filled, christmas present from four years ago. it was on my book shelf for that long. i just bit into one of the m & ms and the candy coating did not have the crisp crunch i expect. it went bad. surprising. dollars to donuts i would have pegged m & ms to last forever. certainly not get stale. the chocolate was not right either. lost some sweetness. throw it out!
this is my new motto. throw it out! the candy cane is in the garbage now. i am having a hard time with this. i'm just in the infancy stages of adopting this motto. i am a pack rat of the worst kind. i'm not 'hoarders' bad, but could easily careen out of control into hoarders direction without putting into action a new motto. it is equally hard for me to throw away things as it is to save money. bah humbug.
rambling number five:
my uniform in the late evening is pale pink hoody with hood up. that candy cane is haunting me. still.
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