Monday, April 30, 2012

me want my internet cookies

due to a sucky modem failure, we've been freed from the shackles of WIFI at our house since friday.   on friday afternoon i rushed home from work to load a few apps to my ipad, but no internet connection.   say whaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

completed a few trouble shooting steps, nada.   'just keep breathing',  i kept telling myself.   breath in, breath out.   'it's going to be fine.  al will be home soon and he fixes near everything.   al to the rescue.'  

as i pounced on him walking in the door, i explained the problem.    after suggesting the couple trouble shooting steps i'd already tried, he declared 'late bill'.   i shuddered.

remember back a few blogs when i delayed and delayed doing the mail and the bills?  well i've never delayed so long before, and although i finally did get everything sent off (almost) on time, the bill for frontier was sent on a monday, due two days later, or risk being cut off.   gasp. 

al posited that our frontier was shut off and did not add "on account of your laziness", thus HE risk being cut off.    i knelt to the ground and shouted 'why me god?' and then remembered that frontier controls the dish network too.   it still worked.  praise be! 

al spent an hour on the phone with frontier dealing with our predicament.   they will send a new modem.   how soon?   2 day air.  knowing there are almost always glitches, i figured we were looking at a fortnight without internet. 

in through the nose, out through the mouth.   

short list of casualties and benefits from my wifi-less weekend:

  • denied two ipad apps that were only free on friday to honor autism awareness month.  boo.
  • discovered that, when i'm forced to, i count calories very well on my own now after using calculators for 4 months. yay.
  • played farkle with my kids and paid more attention to them.  yay.
  • hadn't a clue what was happening in people's lives since i had no facebook and i forgot how to talk to people face to face.  boo.
  • read a book, got a bit of a start on it anyway, since i was paying so much attention to my kids.   an 'everything' guide to running.   yay.
  • got at least 2 hours more sleep than usual since i had no forums to peruse for fitness tips or nutrition blurbs.   yay.
  • had no forums to peruse to keep my health and fitness candles burning brightly.   boo.
  • went to a sunday evening movie and laughed my butt of at a hilarious scene of two women having a heated argument using elmo and cookie monster voices.  yay.

survive without wifi   

although i did survive, and some might even say thrived, without my internet, i'm not happy about it.   can i bring a cot here to my office this week?

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

ramble on rose

rambling number one:

"some guys hate it when women fart, but personally, i like a little skunk in the trunk."  this was a tweet by rob delaney on twitter today.   if i weren't married to al, i'd be driving to twitter right now to find rob delaney and make him fall in love with me.   i would let farts all day and he would smell my farts all day and tell me how much he loved the skunk in my trunk.   i would swoon every time he said it.    he would feed me baked beans by the bowl full every night.   and then just wait around talking to me until they kicked in.

unfortunately he would have to leave his wife and kids, and since i am not in the business of home wrecking, i'll stick happily with my al.   but COME ON, i think rob delaney and i are meant to be together.   or at least i'm meant to read his tweets.  

rambling number two:

jinxing is still the best thing ever.   i find true elation in the moment of a spontaneous jinx.  being that in-tune in thought with another person is just plain rad.

rambling number three:

camping club.  getting an invitation to camping club today was my favorite moment of the day.  thinking ahead a few years to an empty nest and that al and i will once again go camping together, just the two of us, were the thoughts that consumed me while i skipped rope at bootcamp tonight.  

rambling number four:

i just threw away a candy cane shaped, half m & m filled, christmas present from four years ago.  it was on my book shelf for that long.  i just bit into one of the m & ms and the candy coating did not have the crisp crunch i expect.  it went bad.  surprising.  dollars to donuts i would have pegged m & ms to last forever.  certainly not get stale.  the chocolate was not right either.  lost some sweetness.   throw it out!

this is my new motto. throw it out!   the candy cane is in the garbage now.  i am having a hard time with this.    i'm just in the infancy stages of adopting this motto.   i am a pack rat of the worst kind.  i'm not 'hoarders' bad, but could easily careen out of control into hoarders direction without putting into action a new motto.   it is equally hard for me to throw away things as it is to save money.   bah humbug.

rambling number five:

my uniform in the late evening is pale pink hoody with hood up.    that candy cane is haunting me.  still.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

bragging alert

pictured to the right is what i should be focusing on right now.  not CJ, but paying those bills and sorting through that mail.   i am about to shirk my duties yet again and opt instead to open a bottle of wine, play words with friends.  the house is quiet tonight, i'm planning to stay in, possibly get drunk.   good grief i hope i find the motivation for this mail stack tomorrow.  i know there are overdues in there.  it's not going to be pretty when i find the courage to sift through those papers.   i wasn't a bump on a log though today.  i got stuff done.  i did the dishes, three loads of laundry, made the bed and laid the papers out to haunt me.  i thought about scooping the cat poop but didn't get much further on that task yet.  

oh yeah, and i ran my very first 5k race!   this opposite-of-a-morning-person was up early for running.  my oldest son bert and i made it to the race on time.  he biked, i ran.  there were pitfalls and hilarity and pure unexpected what the fuck moments that i'm not detailing here (sorry running inspiration mike s from wildflower).

let's just say, that as my coach, bert was sure to keep my mind completely off of running, and squarely on him.   while i was in turns irritated and exhilarated during the race, on the drive home, all we did was laugh about our nutso morning.   i realized that bert's antics kept me from thinking about the race, thinking about my time.  and although i had to stop running several times to tend to him and a few times i used a boat load of negative energy to scream 'keep both hands on the steering wheel!', overall i ran the race faster than any other 5k training run in the last month.  so, coach, your devious comedy of errors worked to give me my first baseline 5k time which is my fastest time yet!  thank you bert!   pictured to the left is me with about 1 kilometer left to go.   i cannot even believe the luck of my friend snapping this shot.   i'm hovering above the path, in the air, smile on my face.   having this photo for posterity is rad.  thank you sd!   bert is behind me but i cropped him out to protect the innocent and annoying.

then, all of a sudden, this afternoon after a nap when i was refreshed... i had a wild hair.   i tried on my favorite pair of jeans of all time.  i stopped wearing them in 2006 when i could no longer hoist them up over my thighs.   i thought there was a slim chance i could wiggle into these jeans, but i knew for sure it would be close.  and close gives me the next bout of motivation needed to continue my quest for fitness and health. and more importantly, a kicking ass in jeans.   i was alone when i pulled them on.  good thing because i shrieked and yelped with delight for minutes.  THEY FIT.   shock and awe.   pictured here is me meeting a goal i set in january.  hell to the ya.

i really wish i would have put running a 5k on my bucket list.  someday i am going to have to actually write a bucket list.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

gross just gross

i exercise now.  and now that i exercise i feel that i can make judgements about other people's choices.  judging is not the right thing to do, but once, just this once, i'm going to judge.  well, and other times i will judge too.  but not about exercise or diet again.   mostly about the way you parent.  

whiny, annoying kids are products of weak parenting.  so if your kid is making a ruckus all through my meal out at a restaurant and you don't contain it, it's judgement day.  very rarely do i drag out rolling dagger eyes, but that gets me close.

but this judgement is a seriously negative one about this wacky way i just saw on the internets that some women are using to shed 10-20 pounds before their wedding day, to fit into their dream wedding dress.

good god what is this world coming to?  drastic measures for 10 pounds of pure vanity.    you don't have time to exercise every day but you have the hours of time it must have taken for appointments and to be deemed a candidate, and to go through the process?    but you can't get out and walk for a half hour?  because you are too tired.  um ya.. you idiot.  that's because you only ingest 800 calories per day through your fricken nose by choice, and have zero energy.  gross just gross.  

shying away from judging others (only in small quantities) is not because i'm a really great and noble person who just lives and lets live.   i remain free from judging (most of the time) because i despise confrontation.    

i refrain from judging because it usually requires supporting evidence, further argument, rationale for my stance against whatever you are doing that i think is stupid.   and all that is not my cup of tea.   

i will pay whatever price tag you put on that piece-of-crap-to-you-treasure-to-me salt and pepper shaker that i want at your yard sale.   way over marked?  makes no nevermind to me.  if i decide to buy it, i've decided to pay the asked-for price.  i don't even like to be in the presence of a haggler in mid haggle.

i am married to one of these.  when he starts his approach to the card table where the rummage sale lady is sitting with her little portable radio,  i am so uncomfortable and start reddening in the face.  i quickly pretend i don't know him and turn to look at a velvet painting for sale.   

al's been kind enough to listen to my protests and pleadings about how much i dislike this whole charade.  i fear rejection so much that i can't even stand the thought of my loved one's low ball offer getting rejected at a yard sale.   but al's a good dude and now he forewarns me when he's digging out his five spot to pay for $12 worth of goods.  this gives me time to duck out to the car before he gets to the card table.  

as i'm slinking away to the vehicle, al's words ring in my ear.. "they want to get rid of it, or it wouldn't have a sticker on it.   it either goes home with me or they take it back in their house.   they'll take an offer."   and i know he's right.  they always take his offer or he accepts their counter, or they take his final offer.  yes, it goes that far sometimes.  he offers.  they counter.  he comes back.  they settle.  in a heartbeat i will take the hit on my pocketbook and pay the $7 difference rather than suffer through that back-and-forth.   

anyway.    fear of rejection  and confrontation are the main reasons i don't judge people (very often).  i suck at making arguments.    persuading someone to my way of thinking about a controversial issue, nah.  or even a few dollars off at a sale, nah.   persuading someone to join my volleyball team, sure.   i'm an opportunistic persuader. 

and most certainly, i'm an anti-adventurer of the highest order.  

 "gross just gross" is the extent of my argumentative capabilities.    i'm happy it takes all kinds.


Thursday, April 12, 2012


i neglected to tell you a few things about me.

one, i don't floss enough and now have a foul build up of fill in the minuscule space between my bottom middle teeth.

two, that i have all the basic addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division facts down pat, except that i have to count on my fingers for 7+5, 7+4, 8+4, and 8+5.

three, and most central to this particular blog, i get wrapped up in something and throw all my focus into it.   often to the detriment of the proper amount of energy spent on other tasks.  i don't know good balance.  

but i do a really really good job with the one thing on which i focus my time and energy.   so i certainly feel vindicated.

being hyperfocused in time and energy is what i do best.  finding balance in my interests is what i have yet to accomplish.   it's like all or nothing with me.   well that is about to change.

when i first started 'the greta list' i could not concentrate on anything else.  hour to hour i checked the stats.   4 people read my blog in the last 15 minutes!  i would do a backflip.   i got one new follower!  i would start brainstorming a thank you gift to send.   i was spending upwards of one and one half to two hours writing each night and loving every second of it.    in my usual fashion, i immersed myself in my utter enjoyment of writing this blog.  kids, life, and work be damned.  i have readers!!

but then i started feeling fat.   and so it began.  

the blog-blockers.  

first was livestrong.  this is where i turned when i decided to shed the 30 pounds i've packed on since the glory days of high school.  i became active in the livestrong forums, bantering, asking questions, bragging about my shrinkage.   i painstakingly measured every morsel i put in my mouth and counted every single calorie.  seeing the scale move down was fabulous, but my favorite part was the data, the record keeping, the charting.   i get my kicks keeping track of things.  

 and by became active, i mean became obsessed.  i replaced my month-long addiction to the greta list with livestrong.  being an active member of an online community and charting weight loss and exercise takes a lot of time.  i was so engrossed, i couldn't find the time to blog.  but i was getting my writing fix on the forums, so my needs were being met.   i'm hoping to find some loyalty to you in this process, and maybe just maybe, have reader needs shift up a notch in my thinking.

i cut a few pounds with the ole calories in/calories out technique and i guess i started to get too comfortable with the whole record keeping aspect because BAM next came blog-blocker part two.  

running.   say whaaa??  that's what i say to myself every time i'm lacing up my sneakers.     yes running.   running for exercise wasn't enough to keep my mind occupied though.   not enough data collection so i upped the ante and decided i had to run a 5k.   planning training runs, picking running loops, having the proper attire and footwear, keeping a running log.   good gravy i hit the jackpot.  i like entering the run stats into my running log nearly as much as the feeling when i complete a run.   eh, more actually.   i have seven columns in my running log.   DAY DISTANCE TIME COURSE NOTES: Heart Rate, Weather, Temperature, Mood   CALORIES BURNED     MUSIC.   and i consider this a cursory running log.   and my running log made me discover google documents.  

and who can forget:  taxes.

the weather.  it warmed up and was sunny in March, dandelions have been spotted.  normally i'm all too happy to sit on my ass in front of my laptop on livestrong, google documents, and reality steve.   but unseasonably warm weather made me take it to the streets.

children.   they always need something.   like my attention.  hugs.  food.  discipline.  a listening ear.  a kick in the pants.   it's always something with kids.   why can't they just be little adults?

i am going to strive for some semblance of balance.  i'm going to make an attempt to put the proper amount of attention on our newest craze - gardening.  i cannot let it overtake my other obsessions.  there must be a way.     kids, veggie patch, running, cutting, vitamin d.   the cold front that's here will take care of wanting to be outside at the moment.  and the greta list.

i'm back.  i'm going to shoot for a couple blogs a week.  a couple bushels of veggies a week.  a couple runs a week.  a couple hours of fun data collection per week.  a pound lost per week.   my ear and heart to my kids every day.

i love you bloggy blog.   i will find space for you in my free time.  even if it means, just a couple a hours of sleep per night.