Monday, December 9, 2013

personal training evaluation for entrance into hardcore hottie challenge

Personal Training Evaluation 
Hardcore Hottie Challenge
Trainer: Meg

This is an in depth evaluation of your current goals and lifestyle situation. Please answer as honestly as possible; there are no wrong answers. Take as much time as you need.

Name: Greta Hansen Begg

Age: 39  DOB 1/8/74
Height: 5 feet 8 inches, almost 5 '9"
Weight: 149 lbs

1. Bicep - 11"
2. Chest - 37.5" 
3. Waist -  28.75"
4. Hips -  39.25"
5. Thigh -  22.5"
6. Calf -   14.5"

• What are your current fitness goals? Weight loss? Muscle building? How much would you like to gain/loose? 
Build muscle. I want my athlete body to be trained, toned, and strengthened,  Sexy and muscular.  Appealing and chiseled.  
So.. maybe have to gain weight.. up to 150-155.  ??

• What are the biggest challenges you currently face in meeting your fitness goals?
I'm anxious about gaining weight.  I lost 25 pounds between January 2012-May 2012.  Now I maintain at 146-150 pounds.  

• Please outline your current home situation. Who lives with you? Are you married/single? Do you have children? If so, how many and how old are they?
Married-husband Alan.  Age 45.  Raddest husband ever!  Alan is physically active: plays disc golf, runs the courses often, and lifts weights 3 times per week.  
3 children:  Brett- age 21, lives with us, probably will for at least 1-2 more years, is disabled from an auto accident when he was 16, needs assistance, uses a wheelchair now.
William-age 20, lives on his own, bit of an irresponsible fuck up, but a nice kid, just trying to find his way. 
Robin- age 17, she's a senior in high school, lives with us, will move out (fingers crossed) around August 2014.

• What is your history with diet and exercise? Have you tried dieting before? What did you do?
I was a 3-sport fit athlete in high school.  But then was inactive (by choice :( from 1992-2012.  I slowly gained weight and put on 40 pounds all told.  I decided I was not buying any bigger pants anymore in January 2012
and learned to count calories and added exercise to lose one pound per week.  This was my first attempt at losing fat.  
I used website and the my plate tool and their community forum for support to successfully lose the weight and keep it off. 

• Do you work? What is your schedule like and what do you do for a living?
I am a speech therapist in a preschool/kindergarten school building.  I work 7:20am-around 5pm Monday-Friday.  I am the breadwinner.  Alan has a printing business in our home.  
But the kids take up lots of time with appointments and assistance and such, he takes care of all of that while I'm working at school.  He maintains the house for the most part, but I 
clean on weekends a bit too. 

• On a scale of one to ten, ten being the highest, what would you rate your
level of stress? Why?
3-4.  I have a demanding job that requires high energy, but great co-workers and cute, sweet students to work with each day.  This balances the stress caused by my job.  I have high need children, but I have an equal parent in my husband.  We share the parenting so there is no more burden on me than him.  He takes care of supper, so I can work late. He makes sure I have time for fitness and myself.  I handle my stress pretty well.

• Are you a happy person? Why or why not?
Yes I"m happy.  I handle stress healthfully most of the time.  I let things roll of my back and don't get bogged down with negative thoughts.  

• Outline a typical day in your life from the time you get up until you go to bed.
Mon-Fri:  6:30am up, kiss my man, shower, coffee, pet and cuddle doggies, dressed.  Walk to work by 7:20 (2 block walk).  Meetings with parents and teachers, 
speech therapy with 3-6 year olds, write paperwork, more meetings.  4:30/5:00 leave work.  Walk doggies.  Hug kids, see how their days were.  5:30 supper (husband cooks).   6-6:30 decompress.  husband and kids clean up supper so I can have 30 minutes to relax and change clothes.  6:30 my time for exercise. one hour.  8:00 tend to my son or daughter for an hour or so.  9:30 use internet internet for Facebook, write my blogs, check calendar, return emails, etc.  11pm bed.  1130 sleep.

• How long do you sleep at night? Do you feel rested when you wake up?
about 7 hours.  I feel rested enough I guess.  I don't pop out of bed, but I do ok.  Coffee feels necessary.  Have NEVER been successful trying to get to bed earlier.  Sometimes I'm in bed by 10p, but I'll use my phone until 11 or 1130 anyway before I fall asleep.

• Outline a typical day of your food choices. Include beverages and snacks.
(M-F) 7am coffee 2 cups, black.  9am granola bar, banana or apple or grapes, water, 11am smart ones frozen lunch (300-400 calls) , water, and fruit strip or 100 cal pack of something, and a bit of chocolate or candy.  
1pm apple or granola bar, water.  3pm mozzarella cheese stick, deli turkey, water.  5:30p balanced with good groups healthy supper (700-900 cals maybe), water.  8p peanut butter with 
apple, 3 caramels.   or peanut butter on gluten free toast.   3-4 times a week ice cream (coffee mug full).  around 10p tortilla chips and guac or salsa, grapes, water.   I eat certs breath mints when
 I'm hungry and I don't have 'room' for more calories.  Or drink a glass of water.   I eat out of lunch or supper at least 3-5 times per week.  I generally eat back the calories I burn through exercise, 
so on lifting days or longer run days, I eat more calories, usually in the form of peanut butter yum or ice cream.

• Do you drink alcohol regularly? If so, how much and how often?
Now- about 1 beer or 1 glass of red wine per week.  Before I lost the weight, I drank about 1-2 wines per day and lots of beer on weekends. 

• Do you exercise? If so, how often and what do you do?
Monday- run 3-5 miles, or do speed work on the treadmill or track.
Tuesday/Thursday Bootcamp class-weight training/strength training with cardio and ploy added in
Wednesday- volleyball league
Sat/Sun run 3-5 miles, or do one long run if I'm training for an endurance running event. 
When I can fit it in, I also like yoga and pilates classes once per week.

• Please describe your level of comfort and experience with weight training.
I have been to bootcamp/strength training classes for 2.5 years.  I had personal training 4 times per week in June and July 2013, but I had to stop at the end of July when I bulged a disc in my neck-high amounts of pain for a month.  
I do not have great form, I get corrected often.  I just got cleared to start lifting again from doc regarding my injury.  I rejoined bootcamp classes in this NOvember.  I  use 12-15 pound dumbbells presently.  But I was lifting
20 pounders before my neck injury.  Cardio wise I"m fast and fit. 

• Do you prefer to workout at the gym or at home? If at home, please provide a detailed list of the equipment that you have. 
My favorite is fitness classes.  Generally I do much better when I have a place to go at a certain time, when it's in my calendar I will be there.   We have a gym membership. I use the treadmill there when it's cold in winter.
At home:  yoga dvd, yoga mat,  foam roller, 20 pounders, weighted vest, 8 pounders, 4 pound medicine ball, resistance tube, ab wheel, 65 cm body ball, yoga block and belt, jump rope.  
At bootcamp, I leave my 15 pound dumbbells and 12 pounders too.  

• Do you have any medical conditions that I should be aware of?
Just the bulged disc in my neck end of July 2013.  It is fully healed now, but I am cautious with my neck to prevent re-injury. I don't pull on my neck when doing ab work on the floor, I modify some. 

• Do you have any food sensitivities that you’re aware of?
No.  I love water, it's my favorite drink.  I love fruit, candy/sweets, chips, ice cream, cheese, potatoes, caramel, guacamole, i love food!

• What are the most convenient times for you to eat throughout the day? How many meals do you usually eat?
I get little breaks at work, so I'm flexible about when to eat.  I can eat lunch usually at 10:45 or 11:15.  Supper isn't flexible, we need to eat between 5:30-6pm.  I don't feel hungry in the morning until around
9am, but I can stuff something down earlier if I have to.

• What are a few subjects about nutrition and fat loss that you have the
most questions about or need the most help with?
I have knowledge of number of calories in/calories out.  I know how to 'eat back' my burned calories.  I know how to lose fat by restricting calories by 500 per day for instance.  I have been 
successful maintaining my weight between 146-150 since May 2012.  I eat out and eat bread and eat high calorie food and drink wine occasionally, but I will exercise to try to balance it so I don't gain weight. 
I don't know the terms macronutrients or macros or much about recovery nutrition.  I will need counseling or help to tolerate gaining weight to build muscle.  

I am a dedicated person to something I understand.  I am coachable.   When I set a goal, I am determined and persistent and I achieve it! 
 I started running in March of 2012 as a way to burn more calories so I could eat more food when I was restricting calories. 
 I was NEVER interested in running long distances before that day.  But I ran to eat!  I love to eat.  But I found i LOVED running too.  WOW.  By the next winter I decided to run a marathon and trained for
18 weeks diligently (with an online coach I met on forums) and ran a fucking awesome first marathon in June 2013,  I am putting long endurance events off while I focus on muscle building
and training with you.  I still want to run a few times per week, but I am ok if it is not my focus for Jan, Feb, Mar.  My focus is a super hot bikini body by end of March when I vacation in Florida with my sister!!

• What are your top five priorities in life? List them in order of importance    with one being the most important.
1. Happy, strong marriage.  2. Healthy fit body and mind, and I like to feel sexy.  3.  Time to write.  4. My kids- nearing an empty nest, and we are thrilled with it and ready for it. 
5. ENJOY my life, my friends, enjoy food, enjoy going out with friends. 

• If you could create the ‘ideal’ life for yourself, what would that look like to you?
My IDEAL:  I would get paid to write and paid to workout.  My kids would be independent, not in jail, and happy.  My husband would rub my body every night for an hour.

I'd be paid to write my blogs.  I'd be paid to train for short (5k, 10k) races and long races (half marathons and marathons).  
I'd teach fitness classes for fun and to get sweaty.  I love being sweaty!!
I'd volunteer at my school so I could still be around little children and teachers, or work at my job 20 hours per week.  
I'd go out to eat and drink with my friends and husband often and be less choosy about my food in relation to calories--BUT NOT gain weight.  
I'd drink a glass of wine every day, or two.  
I'd get to take my little doggies everywhere I go.  
I'd have hair that isn't so crappy.

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